ON Foundation event @ Circus Ohlala – scenotech

ON Foundation event @ Circus Ohlala

ON Foundation event
@ Circus Ohlala

Die HerausforderungenThe challenges

Setting up and carrying out the event alongside the running of the circus. With shows taking place both on the night before the event and on the day of the event itself, the set-up and take-down had to be accomplished in the shortest possible time and without disrupting ongoing operations. Furthermore, perfectly functioning infrastructure had to be provided for the event’s keynote sessions. 

Das EventThe Event

ONstage is an annual event organised by the non-profit ON Foundation. In 2019, the event was held at the Circus Ohlala tent village. Numerous keynote sessions covering various medical subjects took place during the one-day event.

Unsere LeistungOur contribution

Analysis: strategic advice, concept development, feasibility studies, design, construction design, cost estimate.


Optimisation: project management (commercial and technical), conceptual and implementation planning (architectural planning, energy supply planning, safety design planning, technical planning, construction/audio/video/lighting/rigging/live stream, construction schedule), drawing up service specifications, logistics.


Realisation: technical management, quality assurance, documentation.